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COVID-19: Protecting Your Health Which Is The ONLY Wealth That Matters

By Dr. Brian Stone, MD, CEO, Clinical Diversity Solutions

How It Spreads

  • There currently is no known cure or vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

  • Prevention is the best strategy!

  • The virus is transmitted from person to person.

  • It can be transmitted between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).

  • Through airborne droplets from infected individuals when they cough, sneeze or talk.

  • These droplets contain the COVID-19 virus, which can enter the noses and mouths of nearby individuals.

  • It is possible to infect oneself by touching a surface that is contaminated by viral particles.

  • Asymptomatic individuals that are carrying the virus can possibly infect others.

Wash Your Hands Often

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water often, especially after you leave a public place, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • Avoid touching your face with unclean hands.

  • It is essential to wash your hands:

    • Before eating or preparing food.

    • Before touching your face.

    • After using the restroom.

    • After leaving a public place.

    • After handling your mask.

    • After changing a diaper.

    • After caring for someone that is sick.

    • After touching animals or pets.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

    • Cover your hands completely and rub them together until they are dry. Avoid flames until the sanitizer has completely dried.

Avoid Close Contact:

  • Inside your home (or “pod”): Avoid close contact with sick family members.

    • If possible, maintain 6 feet of distance between the infected and other family members.

  • Outside your home (or “pod”): Keep 6 feet or more of the distance between you and individuals who do not live in your home. If you touch someone, like the inadvertent handshake, sanitize your hand immediately by washing or using sanitizer.

    • Remember that some people without symptoms can potentially spread the virus!

    • Stay at least 6 feet from other people.

    • Social distancing is extremely important for those at higher risk of getting very sick.

Cover Your Mouth And Nose When Around Others:

  • YOU can spread COVID-19 to others even if you have NO symptoms!

  • The mask is meant to protect others from you. A properly fitted N95 mask can protect the wearer from getting the virus.

  • Everyone should wear a mask in public settings and when around people who are not members of your “pod” or household, especially when social distancing is challenging to maintain.

    • Masks should not be placed on young children under the age of 2 or anyone with breathing difficulty, unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

  • DO NOT wear a mask meant for a first responder or healthcare worker. These masks (surgical masks and N95 masks) are critical supplies that should be reserved for those frontline workers.

  • Some cities are relaxing social distancing guidelines allowing in-school learning, worship, sporting events, and indoor dining. Please don’t let your guard down! The mask is not a substitute for social distancing.

Cover Sneezes and Coughs:

  • Always cover your mouth and nose with a hand or tissue or use the inside of the elbow. Don’t spit!

  • Throw your used tissues into the trash.

  • Wash your hands immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and if soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer.

Things to Consider

  • The virus has been found in saliva, semen, urine, and stool.

  • For those who may be dating new individuals, kissing and intimate contact can put you at risk.

Clean and Disinfect:

  • Clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, desks, countertops, doorknobs, handles (refrigerator!), cell phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

  • Wear gloves, if possible, when pumping gas or using touchscreens, or use hand sanitizer immediately after touching.

  • Clean all dirty surfaces with detergent, soap or bleach, and water.

  • Once the surface is clean, use a household disinfectant.

Monitor Your Health Daily!

  • Be alert for symptoms. Watch out for fever, cough, sneezing, and shortness of breath.

  • Be aware of symptoms if you have come in contact with people or attended some event, especially 10-14 days after the exposure.

  • If symptoms do occur, check your temperature. If you are suspicious, don’t hesitate to get tested.

  • Consider asking your physician to perform the blood COVID-19 antibody test. This will let you know if you have been exposed and possibly had an asymptomatic infection.

  • Go to the CDC website for COVID-19 guidelines or consult with your primary physicians if you develop symptoms.

Extreme Risk During the Flu Season:

  • It is possible to become infected with both COVID-19 and the flu, which would be a major assault on your immune system.

  • Get the flu vaccine which will protect you and potentially prevent you from spreading the flu to high-risk members of your family.

  • Getting the flu vaccine can also help save healthcare resources for patients who become sick from COVID-19.

Remain Vigilant Even If You Have Recovered From COVID-19:

  • There are documented cases of individuals who have become re-infected with COVID-19 after recovering from the infection.

  • Antibodies from a prior COVID-19 vaccine may be short-lived and may not provide protection from re-infection.

  • Researchers continue to study the question of COVID-19 re-infection.

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