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FAQs About Peyronie’s Disease (Penile Curvature)

What causes Peyronie’s disease?

The more common cause is an injury to the penis. The injury is almost always linked to vigorous sex that results in severe bending of the erect penis or pressure from the partner's pelvic bone. It can occur as a complication of penile fracture. It has also been seen as the result of sports injuries or other accidents. The injury causes scarring in the sheath around the corpora (tunica albuginea), resulting in shortening and curvature.

How common is Peyronie’s disease?

It occurs in about 6 out of 10 men between the ages of 40 to 70 years of age. It is rare in young men. The number of reported cases appears to be rising, but this is likely because of better treatment options.

Is Peyronie’s Disease associated with getting other illnesses?

Some men with Peyronie’s can get scarring in other parts of the body. This occurs more commonly in the hands and feet. Dupuytren’s contracture is one such disease that causes scarring or fibrosis in the tissues of the palm of the hands. This can result in permanent bending of the fingers. The cause of this disease and its link to Peyronie’s is unknown.

Can Peyronie’s turn into cancer?

Peyronie’s is caused by the cells that cause scarring, and they do behave like cancer in some ways, but they are not cancer cells. There has never been a case of Peyronie’s disease that has turned into cancer in humans.

Will Peyronie’s occur in all men with a penile injury?

No, not all men with a penile injury get Peyronie’s disease. Certain health issues like diabetes, tobacco use, or prior injury increase the likelihood of getting Peyronie’s. Most researchers believe that there must be a genetic component to the disease. Men with certain connective tissue disorders are at higher risk.

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